

As a value developer with a long-term investment strategy, Haniel aims to implement an integrated approach along the entire value chain in the area of corporate responsibility – from the investment phase, through portfolio management all the way through to divestment. The goal is to anchor corporate responsibility consistently in all stages of Haniel's creation of value. The focus here is the area where the Holding Company enjoys great leverage: in the development and management of the divisions. The integrated approach allows the Group to gear itself to value and growth. By integrating CR in existing processes and structures of the investment and value development phase, Haniel seeks to exploit potential for further profitable growth and to support the divisions in market-leading positions over the long term.

Sustainable investments

CR already plays an important role at Haniel in the development of the investment portfolio. Only those business models that are able to make a positive contribution to sustainability, both now and in the future, are considered. When looking into potential acquisition targets, social and ecological criteria are also examined using Haniel’s investment filter to assess the candidate’s CR profile. Only those companies which are in line with Haniel's values are considered. After a company has been successfully acquired CR becomes an integral element of the integration plan. Depending on previously existing activities, structures and processes are expanded to anchor CR in the core business.

It is not only when acquiring new business divisions that Haniel invests with great prudence: The Holding Company also makes a detailed analysis of the CR implications of divisions' investments and acquisitions which are subject to approval. Decisions are taken on the basis of the Capital Expenditure and Valuation Guidelines, which require all significant investments to be assessed in terms of impact on the CR strategy. The decision-making process for selecting financial assets for investment of available financial resources also takes CR considerations into account. For instance, there is a general ban on certain sectors.

CR as an integral part of the management dialogue

As a family-equity company, Haniel also provides impetus in terms of corporate responsibility for portfolio companies, by putting CR on the agenda of the regular management dialogue between the Haniel Management Board and the managing directors of the divisions. In 2017, too, CR was again a subject of the dialogue at the top level. In this process, the progress in the targets that had previously been set was discussed. * All divisions have made good progress with the targets that have been set. And on top of the systematic implementation of CR activities in Haniel's action areas, all divisions also constantly reinforce their commitment to sustainability and transparent reporting – while setting individual focal areas for CR in line with their stakeholders' requirements and tailored to their own business model. What progress they have been able to achieve in 2017 is also listed for each individual division.

More on the CR management approach and the CR organisation

* The CR target agreement process for 2017 applies to the divisions BekaertDeslee, CWS-boco, ELG and TAKKT, which were fully consolidated as at 1 January 2017. Optimar and ROVEMA will be integrated into the CR control process. No CR targets are agreed with CECONOMY and METRO as financial investments.

This section includes the following GRI indicators: